Hope, in the world of Pandemic

We were home,
while a gentle blue stream flew through our living room,
making the beautiful sounds we always wished,
We never thought about its origin, nor it's destiny.
It is the sight of the stream flowing past us,
that gave us hope and made us lively,
to wait for things to become normal again.
We stayed home,
while we felt the wind,
gently touching our soul,
sinking our memories into nostalgia.
that wind was wandering in our memory,
from somewhere in a trail,
up the mountain, near the smokies.
We stayed home
while we swam in our lakes,
feeling the serenity of water,
without realizing the size of the lake.
The bath tub, that felt like heaven.
We stayed home,
looking out of the window,
hoping to see humans,
live and happy exploring the world.
We stayed home,
waiting to see the spring leaves turn color,
and witness rainbows exciting the city.
We stayed home,
closing the eyes to drown back into sleep,
into the world of the past that seemed perfect.


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